CCC Hymn
CCC Hymn
Alma Mater dear all hail to thee
We will sing your praise and glory
You have led and made us fight for right
Through your portals our future smiles so bright.
We will praise thy name O CCC
We will ever stand on defense for it
We will sing thy praise dear CCC
Through our deed we’ll prove we are brave and fit.
We fear not tomorrow
We shall not fear the rain
And though we be met with sorrow
We shall sing on and not feel the pain
And when our paths should separate
We’ll have a heart for any fate
We’ll have sweet memories that cannot die
After we utter that jeweled word goodbye.
Had God keep watch ‘tween thee and us
And keep us ever near to Him
Alma Mater dear all hail to thee
We will sing your praise and glory.
Ever upward and onward we will strive
Loyalty and truth in our hearts will thrive
God blesses thee … He blesses us
Alma Mater!