school's philosophy
Philosophy of Education
Catholic Education is a concrete expression of the mission entrusted by Christ to the Church He founded. Through education, the Church seeks to form her members to proclaim the Good News and to translate this proclamation into action.
The educational mission of the Church is an integrated ministry embracing three interlocking dimensions: the message revealed by God (didache) which the Church proclaims; fellowship in the life of the Holy Spirit (koinomia); and service to the Catholic Christian community and the entire human community (diakomia). While these three essential elements can be separate for the sake of analysis, they are joined in the one educational ministry. Each educational program or institution under the Church’s tutelage is obliged to contribute in its own way to the realization of the threefold purpose within the total educational ministry.
The Church educational mission takes form in many different programs and institutions adapted to the needs of those to be educated. Of the educational programs available to the Catholic community, Catholic schools afford the fullest and best opportunity to realize the threefold purpose of Catholic education among children, youth and other sectors of community. Schools naturally enjoy educational advantages which other programs either cannot afford or can offer only with great difficulty. The school having a greater claim on time and loyalty of the students and their families should make more accessible to them frequent participation in the Liturgy and the sacraments. These are powerful forces for the development of personal sanctity and for the building of a Christian community. It provides a more favorable pedagogical and psychological environment for teaching the Christian faith.
In the light of these principles, every parochial/diocesan/archdiocesan school is inevitably an integral part of the pastoral plan of the local Church. It is meant to provide for the formal Christian education and formation of the faithful.